Reasonable Adjustments
The Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 says that all health and care services must be accessible for people with disabilities. This includes people with physical, sensory, or learning disability, people with autism or a long term condition such as dementia.
What are reasonable adjustments?
A reasonable adjustment is a small change we (and other organisations involved in your care) can make so your health check, annual review, or other appointments are easier for you. Examples of reasonable adjustments can be a longer appointment, information provided in an easy read format, wheelchair access, or having an interpreter.
What is a reasonable adjustments digital flag?
A Reasonable Adjustments Digital Flag (RADF) is a visible marker on a patient’s record which identifies the changes that need to be made by health and care services to make services as accessible for disabled people as they are for everyone else.

NENC Learning Disability Network prepared a lot of resources which you can find by clicking on the button below